How Prepared is your Organization for a Cyberattack?
Run through our exercise with your internal team to spark discussion on organization preparedness for a cyberattack
Dataprise Defense Exercise:
Security Intrusion
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Tabletop exercises are designed to help organizations walk through potential cyber risk scenarios, evaluate cybersecurity posture, and identify potential gaps.
This exercise is meant to be a constructive and convenient tool that can be completed within 30 minutes. We recommend the below tips to provide the most value to your organization:
- Involve all relevant IT stakeholders
- Tailor the scenario to best match your environment
- Determine a single facilitator for the exercise
- Encourage discussion about how your organization would handle the scenario
- Document your responses to the key questions
- Develop a plan to close any gaps identified during the exercise
This exercise is designed to spark discussion within your IT department on your organizational preparedness for a cyberattack in the highlighted scenario and provide tangible guidance on areas to improve.
Download the Exercise
Preview of What to Expect

6 Question Exercise
After reading through the set up, take a 6 question exercise designed to help organizations walk through potential cyber risk scenarios, evaluate cybersecurity posture, and identify potential gaps.
Answer Review
With the exercise complete, explore some critical components that cybersecurity experts recommend should be included as part of your cybersecurity program.