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On-Demand Webinar Recording

Best Practices to Seal the Gaps in Your Legal Firm's Data Protection Strategy

According to Veeam’s Data Protection report, 85% of organizations suffered a ransomware attack last year. With the amount of sensitive and confidential data that law firms ingest, it’s imperative to mitigate the risk of data loss and the potential for business disruption in the face of disaster.  

Watch the on-demand recording with experts from Dataprise and Veeam as they cover:

  • Current data protection trends and how they apply to law firms
  • Common gaps legal organizations have in their data protection strategy, including data governance and data mishandling
  • Data Protection best practices, including:
    • Business continuity and disaster recovery planning
    • The 3-2-1-1 rule for data backups
    • Securing backups from ransomware
    • Microsoft 365 backups


Mary Beth Hamilton
Tara Bartels (1)

Mary Beth Hamilton
Chief Marketing Officer,

Tara Bartels
Practice Lead, Advisory Services,

Brandon Juricek
Senior Systems Engineer - VCSP,